
Welcome back to A Stride Above! In this episode, Dr. Alberto Rullan introduces another equine therapy called MagnaWave, breaking down the extensive amount of research done on it and discussing all the different benefits that this therapy offers in comparison to others! Stay tuned to get the inside scoop all about MagnaWave, as well as … Read moreMagnaWave


Welcome back to A Stride Above! In this episode, Dr. Alberto Rullan will be focusing on laser therapy for horses, discussing the extensive research behind it and all the benefits that come with it! Stay tuned to get the inside scoop all about laser therapy, as well as why laser therapy might be effective for … Read moreLasers

Let’s Dive Into the Differences Between Water Treadmill and the Pool!

Welcome back to A Stride Above! In this episode, Dr. Alberto Rullan will be discussing all the differences between two water therapies/water sports, the water treadmill and the pool! Stay tuned to get the inside scoop on the research put into water therapies, as well as why water therapy is strongly recommended in terms of … Read moreLet’s Dive Into the Differences Between Water Treadmill and the Pool!

What You Need to Know About OCD’s in Race Horses

Osteochondritis Dissecans, also known as OCD, is a condition that can happen in the joints. OCD most commonly occurs in the fetlock, hock and stifle, as well as the neck, shoulders, elbows. Without getting too deep into the complicated medical details and language, let’s first breakdown what the term means. First, osteo means bone, and … Read moreWhat You Need to Know About OCD’s in Race Horses

How is Ozone Being Used for Treatments in Horses?

At Performance Equine Veterinary, we always want to keep clients updated on all the amazing developments and ongoing research in horse health and medicine. Sometimes this can mean discussing topics that may be controversial in the world of veterinary care and pharmaceuticals. We believe in not only managing symptoms of a problem through prescribing drugs … Read moreHow is Ozone Being Used for Treatments in Horses?

Wound Healing: How Can I Speed Up the Process?

Various types of wounds, whether they are located on cannon bones or high motion joints like the hocks or carpus, can become difficult to close up and heal. From colic surgery, to any type of skin laceration,  these unco-operative, recalcitrant wounds can take months and even upwards to a year and beyond to heal completely. The … Read moreWound Healing: How Can I Speed Up the Process?

“Bleeders” What Does It Mean and How Can It Be Treated?

"Bleeders" What Does It Mean and How Can It Be Treated?

“Bleeders” is a hot topic right now for a lot of different industries, and especially is becoming increasingly problematic in barrel racing. In the race horse industry, they are eliminating the use of Lasix in horses for a lot of races, which makes this so important to learn about as well as other treatment options. So … Read more“Bleeders” What Does It Mean and How Can It Be Treated?